Monday, October 30, 2017

Where to find inspiration for your photography

Admit it, at times you find yourself in a bit of a creative rut, not knowing what to do next. It happens to the best of us and many artists can testify to experiencing times when their creative juices are flowing as they used to. Writers call it 'writers' block' and it even has it's own Wikipedia entry at

Photographers are not immune from such experiences. I would venture to say that the more you specialise in a particular genre the more likely you are to go through times when you just don't know what to do. Some folk get around this by sticking very tightly to a theme such as a photo a day. The strict confines of the theme mean they just need to go out and find one photo opportunity and they are done. Others of us my try to branch out from our existing genre so if we are a street photographer we might try still life as it's so different and we are really starting off fresh.

Whatever your genre of photography and however long you have been at it, I'd recommend examining the work of other photographers or even other artists (such as painters or sculptors). You will always, in my opinion, find something to inspire you when you explore the work of others. This may be because they are exploring a genre you are unfamiliar with or because they approach a genre you are familiar with but from a totally different angle. It may be their technique that inspires you as much as the subject matter.

So, why not get out there and check out the work of others. You can do this by visiting galleries and exhibitions, by reading books (especially ones out of print from your local second-hand bookshop - also cheaper than new books!) or by perusing online communities such as redbubble or bloglovin

You can also sign up for e-mags on photography. Just search Google or check out Inspired Eye by clicking the image below (affiliate link - if you click on it I will earn a tiny amount if you sign up):

Inspired Eye photography magazine

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